Year: 2015

Ten Essential ESL Filler Activities

Every teacher has, at some point in their career, experienced that deer-in-the-headlights moment when you realize that you’re completely out of lesson material with twenty minutes left in class. For those of us who aren’t improvisational geniuses, having a solid repertoire of “filler” activities is crucial for those moments.

10 Tips For Dating in Taiwan

As flowery summer dresses and oversized sunglasses come out, it’s the perfect atmosphere for dating. If you happen to find yourself head over heels for a person in Taiwan, then keep these 10 tips in mind as you begin your pursuit. (Consider me your Cupid!)

The Rise of Global Education in South Korea

The education system in South Korea is changing, and the thing about change is that it takes time to perfect. I learned this the hard way and it’s greatly impacted my year as an English teacher in The Land of The Morning Calm in many positive (and sometimes not so positive) ways.

5 Reasons to Teach Abroad Alone

As scary as it was though when I moved to Taiwan, I didn’t know a single person in the country. A couple years later, I had a group of some of the closest friends I’d ever met in my life. I don’t regret for an instant deciding to teach abroad alone.

7 Taiwanese Gift Giving Superstitions and Rules

After a little research and help from my Taiwanese students (they say hello, by the way), I’ve got this whole gift giving business in Taiwan down to a tee. I’m glad I learned these before making a social faux pas á la British minister Lady Kramer. Listen and learn, traveler friends:

ESL Classroom Management Strategies

Because classroom management is such a complicated balancing act between being fun and nice, and being strict enough to give kids the structure they need, many teachers find that it’s one of the hardest aspects of teaching to master.

Things My Past Self Should Know Before Moving To Taiwan

Before moving to Taiwan, I thought I had it all figured out since previously living in Korea. My smug past self confidently packed a suitcase and prepared for the new adventure. At the time I was quite unaware, of course, that I was being a complete moron in my assumptions about what I needed, didn’t need, and should know about living in Taiwan. If only I could go back in time, I’d leave a letter marked “Urgent” to myself containing these 10 tips.

What Makes a Great ESL Teacher

We all know those teachers who are absolutely loved by everyone. As soon as they walk into class, the kids light up. Other teachers regularly turn to them for advice. Their students always seem to be ahead of the curve, and they just seem happy to step into the classroom every day. What exactly is it that they’re doing that works so well?