Mike Mlejnek- 2006 – An American in Taiwan

Mike Mlejnek- 2006 – An American in Taiwan

Michael Mlejnek

I sat down to my computer one day after work and opened up my inbox to an email requesting an information session at my University about teaching in Taiwan. I was one year out of college managing a successful subcontracting business when I got the email. I decided to take a day off from work to go to the information session and it was one of the best decisions I have made in my entire life. From the moment I walked into the room to speak with Reach To Teach, to my arrival in Taiwan, they facilitated every step of the process and gave the support that someone needs when moving to a foreign land.

Let’s face it…getting on a plane, leaving your family, your friends, maybe your career….is not an easy thing to do. But, I can honestly say that there are many foreigners here who do that without going through an agency. Those foreigners suffer. Many of them end up having to leave Taiwan at some point to renew their visas. Some even end up having to leave altogether, angry and frustrated, because they didn’t have the proper support a legitimate agency can give you. Everyone’s experience in Taiwan is different, but those I have talked to at Reach To Teach events express the same gratitude towards Reach To Teach, Mitch and other staff…

– Mike Mlejnek