Medical Services in Chile

Medical Services in Chile

Medical Services in Chile

Medical services in Chile are generally of a very high standard. Both government-run facilities, and private facilities offer affordable and quality medical care.  In Santiago, there are a number of private hospitals that are accredited by the American Hospital Association.

Santiago has two main private hospitals that are accredited by The American Hospital Association and meet U.S. standards: Clinica Alemana and Clinica Las Condes.

Clinica Alemana also has branches in other major cities.

Healthcare and dentistry in Chile are of a very high quality, often surpassing the standards in Europe and the USA. Medical care is very cheap compared to the USA but independent health insurance is highly recommended. There is no provision for free healthcare for foreigners unless you are working and paying local taxes. There are many options for private healthcare both within Chile and with an insurer in your home country.

Most basic medicines can be bought without prescription. Should you need a prescription, a visit to the doctor will cost in the region of US$30.



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