Tag: New Year

An Aboriginal New Year

An aboriginal new year celebration is a unique and wonderful experience that I have had the privilege of taking part in. It would be amiss to say Western New Year celebrations are far and few between in Taiwan.

New Year in Korea

Happy New Year in Korea! 새해 복 많이 받으세요! The holiday season has slowly come to an end, the new year has begun. Christmas was spent with friends in Jeonju. It was a truly remarkable experience. New memories were created and there was a lot of laughter involved.

5 New Year’s Resolutions for ESL Teachers

With each near year comes new goals and aspirations. All of us aiming to become a better version of ourselves than last year. As we usher in 2016 we should take some time to really think about who we want to become and ponder the steps we can take to get there.