Tag: ESL classroom

ESL Class: Daily Routines

Your ESL class should always have a daily routine to follow to allow some structure. We all need routines throughout our days. They keep us focused, keep us productive, and help us know what to expect.

Teaching Tools: The Sticky Ball

As teachers, we have numerous teaching tools and teaching games that can help our lessons and motivate our students. These tools range from physical objects and toys to the feedback we give and diction we use every single day with our students.

Correcting Your ESL Students

Correcting your ESL students is necessary, but overdoing it isn’t always the right way to go. Of course, we all want our students’ English to improve. And if your instinct is like most teachers, it feels natural to help them improve by correcting every little mistake they make. After all, if you let them go on pronouncing their words wrong or mixing up their tenses, how will they ever get it right?

Teaching Advanced ESL Students

Teaching advanced ESL students can at times be intimidating – if your students are already holding complex conversations and have a strong grasp of grammar and a large vocabulary, what do they need a teacher for?

ESL Creative Writing Projects

ESL creative writing projects are a fun way to get kids interested in writing. Writing is one of those things that kids either seem to love or hate. And those that hate it always greet writing assignments with a groan and endless complaints.

Teacher Pledge

The teacher pledge is something that all teachers should make when beginning a new year at school. For me, it’s here in full-swing again, the start of a brand new school year!

Beginning the School Year

With the first day of school coming up for many teachers, new and old, there are always a few important facts to consider before starting off.

Introducing the Olympics

The Olympics are not only a semblance of international community but also insanely fun to watch! The athletes are the best of the best in their sport—they’ve practiced for many years and are a great example for anybody. Why not bring the Olympics into your classroom through some fun games or lessons?