Tag: ESL classroom

Interview With Eliza Pennell: An American Teacher In Taipei

This week we have decided to interview Eliza Pennell, a teacher fresh into ESL. She is a young and fun teacher who finished college in the states and decided to begin her teaching adventure in Taipei, Taiwan. Read on to discover what her experience has been like to date.

Teaching Idioms

Teaching idioms might seem intimidating, especially if your students have never heard any of them before. Idioms are a common part of speech, though. Getting your students familiar with them early on can help them communicate more naturally and give them a deeper understanding of the English language.
It doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult to teach idioms. With these tips and resources, teaching idioms to your students will be a piece of cake.

10 Teaching Tips For New Teachers

Even the most experienced teachers once had that deer in the headlights moment the first time they were in front of a classroom. Looking back, we can all identify a list of mistakes we made and things we wish we had known before we ever set foot in a classroom. Here are 10 things I wish I’d known before starting ESL teaching.

Blog Carnival: Teaching And Technology

Technology is a funny thing, it has grown and grown at a phenomenal speed and we constantly live in a world of progression where technology makes everything easier. But is that the case for teaching?

4 Misconceptions About Teaching In Korea

Wanting to make sure that I was fully prepared to immerse myself in a brand new culture, I scoured countless blogs, websites and forums looking for information pertaining to the big move. The number of articles I stumbled upon was overwhelming to say the least. Thousands of blogs and pages popped up, and all of them had at least one article carrying the self-proclaimed title “Everything You Need To Know About Moving To South Korea!”

The Best Of ESL Teaching Advice Articles

Roll up! Roll up! ESL teachers one and all, whether you are fresh into teaching or you are the grand master of ESL, we can always learn new tricks and grow as teachers. We have cherry picked our best ESL teaching advice articles to share with you wonderful people.

Top 8 ESL Games Every Teacher Should Know

We have all been there, we have started our year with awesome games, but as the months draw on these awesome games start to lose their zing with your students. Time to shake it up a little, below I have compiled the top 8 games every ESL teacher should know.

Interview With Megan Tighe, An American Teacher In South Korea

This month Megan Tighe interviews with us to tell us about her time teaching English in South Korea through the EPIK program.