Year: 2016

Korean Weddings

Korean weddings take on quite a different format to a western wedding. What comes to mind when you hear the word wedding? Perhaps you think of a bride and groom, family and close friends. I know that’s what I think about when I hear the word wedding.

Conflict in the ESL Classroom

Handling conflict in the ESL classroom will be part of your job as an educator. Teaching your students life skills such as compassion and conflict resolution is just as important as teaching the nuts and bolts of the English language.

Movies in the ESL Classroom

Using movies in the ESL classroom can be a great way to engage your students and provide a juicy topic for discussion. However, it has to be used in the right way so that you don’t end up with students viewing this as a time to relax.

Visiting a Doctor in Taiwan

Visiting a doctor in Taiwan is quite different to what we are used to at home. Before going in depth about the doctors in Taiwan, something needs to be said first. Taiwan has one of the best national healthcare systems I’ve experienced, especially coming from America.

Another Year in Korea

As another year in Korea approaches, I have begun to reflect on the differences I am faced with and changes I have made during my time as an EPIK teacher in South Korea.

Classroom Games

Classroom games are an essential part of the ESL classroom. You can engage students by telling a captivating story, explaining concepts in a way all students can understand, or simply creating a dialogue amongst students, even in the simplest of ways. Another way to get students attention is to play some fun and creative games.

English Camp in Korea

An English camp in Korea is set up for students to attend during the summer months when they have more free time from their regular schools. Not all EPIK teachers are asked to teach in one of these but I was and I loved it.

Being Adaptable in Korea

Being adaptable in Korea is essential. When I first moved here, I was really nervous about making new friends. I lived in the smallest state in America, Rhode Island. Moving halfway across the world with just my husband was not only adventurous but nerve racking at the same time.