Category: Expat Tales

What Makes Teaching One of the Most Rewarding Careers

In the relentless pursuit of better academic performance, it’s possible to lose sight of the most important – the purpose of learning.

TEFL Course Review: How My Online TEFL Class Prepared Me for Teaching Abroad

Reach To Teach sent one of our teachers to take International TEFL Academy’s professional and fully-accredited 170-hour online TEFL course. Read more to find out how this online course prepared her for teaching abroad.

How To Prepare for Volunteer Teaching in Chile

A volunteer English teacher with the English Opens Doors program in Chile writes about her experiences at the EOD Orientation and offers three tips on how to prepare for volunteer teaching in Chile.

Bangkok Motorbike Adventures

Guest writer Andrea Emerson writes about her motorbike adventures with motosai drivers in Bangkok, Thailand.

5 Things You Shouldn’t Expect While Teaching in Thailand

This is Andrea Emerson, Bangkok based expat English teacher. I have spent over a year teaching English to hormone riddled teenagers, attempting to photograph fire balloons and generally not going on any dates, and now I would like to impart some of my wisdom from this crazy adventure. If you’d like to learn more about teaching in Thailand, Bangkok specifically, or even if you just want to know where on earth to buy women’s essentials in this land that doesn’t really ‘do’ tampons, you’ve come to the right place.