Tag: expat advice

Teaching Abroad! What is Stopping You?

Teaching Abroad! You know you want to do it. You know it’s something that you’ll regret not doing for the rest of your life, and you know the longer you put it off, the less likely it becomes that you’ll actually make it happen.

Pre-EPIK Interview

Your pre-EPIK interview is a great head start for getting to grips with the EPIK process. Between gathering all of your official docs and binging on K-dramas, preparing for your EPIK pre-interview can be an easy thing to just slip your mind.

Eating in Taiwan: A Year Without a Kitchen

Eating in Taiwan is fantastic, however, it’s pretty common in Asia to have a smaller apartment with no kitchen. I couldn’t fathom not having a kitchen when I moved halfway across the world—I cooked every day!

Why Teach Abroad

Why teach abroad you may ask? There are many reasons why you should teach abroad, you know it sounds like an awesome, life-changing adventure. But sometimes we get cold feet. Sometimes we spend a lot of time sitting on the fence weighing the pros and cons of something.

Startup Costs

Startup costs should aways be considered before uprooting your life in your home country and there are several factors that come into it. Moving to a new country should always involve careful and thoughtful decision making.

Surviving Mandarin Part 2

Surviving mandarin can be an essential part of a foreigners experience, and it is something that is good to try to tackle a little earlier on in your time away. Last week we brought you part 1 of surviving mandarin, so this week we bring you even more help to get you started.

Learning a Language Improves Teaching

One of the big perks of living abroad is the chance to study and fully immerse yourself in a foreign language. And while you probably won’t directly use your new knowledge of your students’ language in ESL class, there are a lot of reasons why learning a language improves teaching, they are as follows

Balancing Your Time

Balancing your time as an overseas English teacher is more difficult that it may seem. Being given the opportunity to live in a foreign country will be a pivotal experience in anyone’s life. Making sure to take advantage of the opportunity while still being able to perform your duties as a teacher can be a challenging task.