RTT January 2011 Event: A Night Out at On Tap.

RTT January 2011 Event: A Night Out at On Tap.

Reach To Teach Invades On Tap

Reach To Teach Invades On Tap

I should’ve known we were in trouble when we were offered a special discounted drinks menu with beers for 100 NT and shots for 50NT. A recipe for disaster you might say. Nope, apparently it’s the perfect recipe for a great Saturday night (and a not so great Sunday morning hangover!)

These photos were taken upstairs at On Tap, smiles all round as usual from the Reach to Teach gang. It was nice to see some familiar faces and catch up with everyone. I hope that everyone enjoyed the evening and that the hangover on Sunday was worth it!

Details about the next Reach to Teach event will be posted soon, so keep your eye out and make sure you get involved! If you have any ideas or suggestions for a future event which you would like us to organise, then please get in touch. You can email me on lisa@reachtoteachrecruting.com

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