Category: Advice for Living Abroad

10 Travel Hacks for Female Travelers

The easiest way to make a new friend on the road is to share a travel hack. Offered tips, tricks, and tidbits of advice are the quickest way to a traveling girl’s heart because it proves that you’re a like-minded woman with wanderlust.

What you Should Consider for Teaching in a Hagwon

South Korea is a fantastic place to start for new English teachers because the country is very welcoming to foreigners, its location in Asia makes it a great launching pad for additional travel, and the pay and benefits are quite generous. That said, many of us first-time teachers will end up at one of the ubiquitous private academies called “hagwons”. While these offer great opportunities, there are a few things you may want to consider before consigning yourself to a year in one of these schools.

Teaching Abroad Improves your Travel Experience

It had been about 10 months since I’d arrived in Daegu, South Korea and I hadn’t left the country since. It’s funny how over time you can change without even knowing it. I went to Japan expecting to have a pretty great vacation (because come on, it’s Japan), but I wasn’t really planning on coming back with a whole list of new lessons learned.

5 Activities in Taiwan for Adrenaline Junkies

I know what you’re after when you travel – adventure. This adrenaline-inducing article of 5 out-of-the-ordinary activities in Taiwan is sure to get you wiggling in your seat. Grab your helmets, pay the insurance fees, and go get crazy in Taiwan!

5 Terrifying Monsters And Myths From Asia

Monster and horror lovers, rejoice. This article is dedicated to all of the gory goodness that comes with a creepy urban legend, and each one of these monsters and myths come from straight out of Asia.

Traveling Is Like A Box Of Stinky Tofu

During my first time seeing (and smelling) stinky tofu, I wasn’t sure how to react. Should I be curious? Afraid? Excited? I realized that I could choose how to feel. Instead of turning my head in disgust, I decided to be brave and maybe even a little excited.

A Weekend in Busan, South Korea

Taking a deep breath, I instantly recognized the salty undertones of the scent of a port city. The ocean has a certain calming effect, even when we can’t see it, and Busan is a city under its spell.

10 Things I Hate About Taipei

What’s really important today is what I hate about Taipei – and trust me, there are too many reasons to count. But, for the sake of time and fitting this article together nicely with a 10 Things I Hate About You theme, I chose the only 10 things I hate about Taipei.