Category: Advice for Living Abroad

Celebrating Christmas in Georgia

[clear] Spending the holiday season in another country is the perfect way to really get to know that country’s culture and people. In the Republic of Georgia, Christmas celebrations contain plenty of familiar elements, as well as a number of traditions that are uniquely Georgian. The vast majority of the population in Georgia is Orthodox…
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Celebrate Christmas in South Korea In Style

Celebrating Christmas abroad can be a challenge for new teachers and long-term expats. That’s why Reach To Teach’s Korea HR team has you covered for the holiday season. Here are some ideas on how to spend Christmas in South Korea. For teachers living in the Seoul area, check out: 1. Hollywood Grill Cost: 25,000Won per…
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Top 10 Things to do in South Korea Outside of Seoul

Spending a weekend, a day, or even a few hours getting away from the urban lifestyle can reinvigorate you can give you a glimpse of a whole different side of South Korea. Here are 10 things to do in Korea outside of Seoul.

Travel Da Xing, a Suburb in Southern Beijing, China!

Here is a city guide to Da Xing, a suburb in Southern Beijing, China. Find out what attractions are on offer, what events you can get involved in, and what transportation is available.

Taking The Next Step – A Teacher in South Korea Shares her Experiences of Moving Abroad

Guest Article by Uzma Ali, a Reach To Teach teacher in South Korea When I made the decision to leave my comfortable, unfulfilling life to start teaching English in Korea, I was excited at the prospect of having an adventure half way across the world. However, when the moment came to say goodbye to ‘home’…
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How To Survive Reverse Culture Shock

We all know what it feels like to walk into a new culture we know nothing about. Almost all of us have experienced culture shock. By the time we return to our home countries, the last thing on our mind is how different things might feel. You may have only been away for a year.…
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Teaching in China? Don’t Freak Out When…

China can be an out-of-this-world experience and many people aren’t prepared for some of things they might encounter in the Middle Kingdom. So, if you’re teaching in China, please don’t freak out when… people stare someone of the same gender holds your hand or asks you to dance (this is a sign of friendship) you…
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